My Intel NUC server just died (whenever it’s plugged in, it makes a buzzing noise, and the external power LED is off (the internal one is on tho)), so I need a new server box. Any recommendations?

I can salvage the RAM (16 GB DDR4) and hard drive (1TB HDD) off of this one, I believe.

      22 years ago

      You can get a second-hand, that is, used laptop and use that as a server. The hard drive can be connected using an adapter through USB.

      22 years ago

      A used Lenovo think centre could be a good replacement IMO (they take SODimm, aka laptop ram, just check DDR3 or DDR4) and usually accepts two sticks + a nvmy & a 2.5 HD and usually with lots of usb & ports for screen(s). They come in all types of prices but usually seems to be sturdy and long lived.