I recently acquired an Intel Compute Stick during a liquidation sale. Has anyone used one of these as a home server? I currently host UmbrelOS on a RPi 4, which works great, but I can’t imagine what I would use the Compute Stick for…
how does Jellyfin run for you on the Pi? I’m assuming you’re pretty much the only one using it? if not how many streams can you transcode at once? how is the network overhead and disk usage when accessing Gitea, Immich, NextCloud, and Jellyfin all at once?
I haven’t experienced any issues so far! The RPi 4 seems to be a relatively powerful device.
Hey, for what it’s worth I ran Jellyfin on an Intel Celeron N3350 stick PC for a few years and just recently upgraded to a Celeron N100 mini-pc. The fanless stick worked great. With hardware transcoding it was a lot more powerful than the Pi.
Great to know. Thanks!
Transcoding is basically a no no on the Pi. Without transcoding though it can happily do multiple streams. I’ve had three or four at once with no issues.