Hi all,
I’m in a unique situation where my landlord can’t log in to his router nor is around/cares to contact the ISP to do so. This is my current setup. Does anyone know how I might go about measuring the latency between the router and my end devices (area shaded in orange)? I’m just curious to see how much my setup is introducing in terms of online games and what not.
And yes, 40 mbps is all we get out in suburban Alaska. Cope with me.
Yes, why would expect otherwise?
Unless you’ve got signal issues, wifi doesn’t add more than a few ms
Yes, why would expect otherwise?
Because I know very little about network and is why I’m seeking help/input. Thank you for your input.
Radio waves travel at close to the speed of light. Latency generally just comes from raw distance, unless the packets are being processed by a slow / overloaded device on route.
If the wifi has to retry a lot due to noise or low signal you’ll see loss and latency spikes, but otherwise its very little.