Recently I have decided that the backup solution I have been using is far too complex for my family to figure out when I die. I began writing documentation on how they can access photos, videos, documents and so on. In that process I thought, I gotta make this simple.

I’m thinking of just having two 10TB drives in RAID 1 on my desktop that get backed up to Backblaze via restic. Backblaze and similar cloud storage providers can send you a copy of your data for recovery. I think I can sufficiently document this process.

Has anyone else come up with a similar process?

    1910 months ago

    I don’t self host to the extent many here seem too but I have had the same thought and joked with my wife about it.

    Ultimately everything I’ve setup I’ve done in part because it’s my hobby and it interests me. When I’m gone my family will revert to whatever they’d normally be doing without me, because they don’t have interest in it like I do.

      10 months ago

      While that’s true, op has rightly raised the issue of photos, videos and documents meaning things that were created by them and uniquely meaningful to the family. If those only exist within the self hosting Rube Goldberg machine, they’re not coming back out without careful documentation.

      I would also add anything created by me, so art, my personal writing and drafts, software I haven’t released yet, and so on.

        310 months ago

        I totally agree and understand the use case. That plays into that more in depth type of self hosting most here do. All I have is storage via Synology, and Pi-hole, smart home controls and a media server in separate containers.

        My use case is strictly QoL improvements that my wife would either just live without or switch to a more conventional, easy to use setup for her.