Edit: wow, this is a never ending comment section!
Proxmox (debian) on the hosts, and Debian for all the VMs and Containers.
Just nice and easy to use, supported by basically everything, and a minimal install uses like 30MB of RAM.
I also have an OSX VM because that’s literally the only way you can test a website in Safari (fu Apple).
Love proxmox. Been using it for nearly a decade and while it has its pain points it has been rock solid for me for the past 4 years.
You don’t need Safari unless it’s for Apple Pay integration or something. WebKit is open source. Use Epiphany or some other browser that uses it.
when vendors pull this kind of crap ill simply not test on their software.
It’s more that like 60% of my web traffic is Safari so I want to make sure it works for those people.
thats unexpected, what are you doing thats being used by a majority of apple users?
Perhaps a website for an iOS or Mac app? 😊