Dedicated wifi for automation allows me to have devices such as Xiaomi Vaccuum, or security camera not phoning home. OpenWRT with good firewall rules completely isolate my “public” containers/VMs from my lan.

Server was built over time, disk by disk. I’m now aiming to buy only 12TB drives, but I got to sacrifice the first two as parity…

I just love the simplicity of snapraid / mergerfs. Even if I were to loose 3 disks (my setup allows me the loss of 2 disks), I’d only loose data that’s on these disks, not the whole array. I lost one drive once, recovery went well and was relatively easy.

I try to keep things separated and I may be running a bit too many containers/vms, but well, I got resources to spare :)

    21 year ago

    How would you change his setup to prevent ARP attacks? More network segmentation (clients and servers on separate VLANs) or does OPNsense additional protections I should look into?

      21 year ago

      Don’t have the Wi-Fi network “upstream” of the LAN. You want the connection between the LAN and Wi-Fi to be through the WAN so you get NAT protection.

      • Ac5000
        11 year ago

        Any way you could update/create your own drawing with what you mean? (Bad paint drawings are acceptable!)

        I ask because I am curious if I am subject to the same problem. I’m not the most networking savvy so I need the extra help/explanation and maybe the drawing will help others.