Hello Friends,
I have a small ubuntu Server and I finally also want to transfer my Vaultwarden Instance to it. On this Server I have several services running (homeassistant, …) and Certbot via Dehydrated (right now I get a certificate for my duckdns address). In some directory I have the privkey and fullchain files.
Now my Problem is that when I start vaultwarden it wont load as https.
I believe, my Problem is telling Vaultwarden, where my certificate files are located so it can use them accordingly.
This is my Compose File right now:
container_name: vaultwarden
image: vaultwarden/server:latest
restart: unless-stopped
- /home/vaultwarden:/data/
- /home/(directory to my certificates):/usr/share/ca-certificates/
- 8129:80
- DOMAIN=https://hurrdurr.duckdns.org
The Volume Mapping to the certificates was just me trying it out so maybe its working if I map it like that.
If I open the 8129 in my Browser it will just time out. I also managed it to start but it wouldnt let me register as theres not https certificate.
I use Nginx Proxy Manager to reverse proxy all my services including Vaultwarden -
Setup in NPM -
Open Nginx Proxy Manager Admin Portal Click Proxy Hosts Click Add Proxy Host Fill in the details Details tab Domain Names - vault.your.domain Scheme - http Forward Hostname/IP - vaultwarden (this should be the name of your vw container) Forward Port - 80 Tick Block Common Exploits Tick Websockets Support Access List - Publicly Accessible Custom locations tab Add the following locations location 1 location - /notifications/hub Scheme - http Forward Hostname/IP - vaultwarden Forward Port - 3012 Click the cog symbol and add the following to the textbox that appears proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade"; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; location 2 location - /notifications/hub/negotiate Scheme - http Forward Hostname/IP - vaultwarden Forward Port - 80 Click the cog symbol and add the following to the textbox that appears proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; location 3 location - / Scheme - http Forward Hostname/IP - vaultwarden Forward Port - 80 Click the cog symbol and add the following to the textbox that appears proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; SSL tab SSL Certificate - Request a new SSL Certificate tick Use a DNS Challenge (or just expose port 80 if you accept the risk) DNS Provider - Dynu (this is my dyndns provider) Credentials File Content - replace YOUR_DYNU_AUTH_TOKEN with the API key from https://www.dynu.com/en-US/ControlPanel/APICredentials Email Address for Let's Encrypt - your email Tick I Agree to the Let's Encrypt Terms of Service Click Save Vaultwarden should now be accessible via https://vault.your.domain
Can I send you a pm regarding my progress so far? I’m kind off stuck at configuring everything:/